Do you own a domain? Watch out for this scam!

Do you own a domain? Watch out for this scam!

ScamEmailMessageSample Scam Email from China

We recently received this email from China.  As with all good scams, at first it looked legitimate.  It didn't contain any of the "telltale" signs of a scam: poor punctuation, misspellings, a legitimate looking logo or link that when you hover over it, displays a totally different url.

Hmmm.  Is this legit?

Well, it still seemed a little research was in order.  After all, why is a business in China landing on the same made-up name as our business?

Sure enough, I found this link describing the scam on the European Domain Centre website.

Apparently, this has been going on since at least May of 2013.  Going through the list of identified "fake" registrar companies and "fake" contact names, we found both that appeared in our email.  And, the content was pretty much as described, right down to the "(Please forward this to your CEO, because this is urgent. Thanks)".

The article suggests Googling the company, which we did, and sure enough it didn't exist.  It also suggested checking the WhoIs database -- and surprise!  Just as they suggested, the domain is less than 1 year old.

If you get an email like this just ignore it.  And, any time you receive an "official" email, phone call or piece of postal mail try to control your impulse to react immediately and do a little research. Scammers and hackers depend on social engineering more than anything -- the art of tricking people into giving up sensitive information.  To learn more about these techniques, read What is Social Engineering?

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