Offline Marketing To Dos

Offline Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Getting your business name out and driving traffic to your website is a multi-pronged endeavor.  Having a website will not, by itself, generate calls and inquiries for your business.  It's just one of the many tools available to you.  

In our last post, Four Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Website, we discussed just a few ways to drive traffic to your website using online tools.

In this post, we are going to focus on offline techniques to increase visits to your website.

The Basics

Okay, let's start with those things that everyone should be aware of.  Make sure your website address appears on your:

business cards

I know, email isn't offline -- but did you remember to include your website along with your phone number and social media links in your email signature?

Get Out To Networking Events

Sorry to say, having a website does not eliminate the need for networking and other types of traditional marketing activities.

Networking is a biggy! Many people like to buy from people they know. Attend meetings, talk to people and hand out your business cards. You never know when one of the people you meet will contact you about work or refer you to someone else.  

Your community likely has a Chamber of Commerce (or there may be several in your area). Join and attend their meetings. If you can't afford the price tag to join, sometimes other membership groups join on behalf of their members and you can attend under the name of the group.

Look for meetups, membership organizations, training sessions and seminars. And, make sure you always have a stack of business cards with you.  Look beyond the value the event itself will provide -- sometimes the people you meet are more important than the content you learn.

Once all these people meet you, they just may check you and your business out further by visiting your website.

Personally, I don't love networking, but know it's an important activity. And, I've met many others that have difficulty attending events and meetings. After every meeting or networking event I attend, I think about what happened there, who I met, or what I learned -- the WIN (Why I Needed to be there -- okay, I know that's not exactly right, but you get the idea). I don't think there has ever been an event or meeting I attended without the WIN. I usually can identify it on the way home. Sometimes, the call or email happens a few days later. When I want to talk myself out of going to an event, I try to remember that every event has provided the WIN -- and that helps to get me there.

Community Activities

Consider ways your business can be an active member of your community. Maybe you can sponsor a nonprofit or civic event, possibly even having a booth or a table there. Or, if you make a donation of goods or finances, your name or logo may be included on a display of donors.

If there are volunteer opportunities you can attend in your community, wear a shirt with your logo and website listed on it.

Traditional Media

Does your business do something unique that your local newspapers, radio, or even television might want to cover? They are always happy to be led to a good story. Or, maybe your business is growing and your newspaper offers a column introducing new and changing staffing positions. Can you be a guest author for local magazines? Or, place ads in magazines, newspapers, event programs? Make sure to include your website address in these.

See Your Business In the Movies

You've seen them. While you are chomping away on your popcorn, thinking you should really be saving it for the movie, you are watching ad after ad appear on the big screen.  

Your business could be there, too! There are regional offerings -- you don't need to be a national company to take advantage of this marketing approach. The cost can be quite reasonable for the reach. Get your business name and website address plastered across the big screen! (If you want to explore this for your business, we can connect you with a local representative.)

Direct Mail Does Not Have To Be Junk Mail

Have you noticed that you still have a pretty full mailbox most of the time? And, it's not only filled with bills and that regular holiday card from Aunt Rita -- it's JUNK MAIL.

Why would so many people still spend the money and time to send JUNK MAIL? Well, because DIRECT MAIL, if well targeted and well designed, still works -- and can work quite well. Actually, as more people are moving to digital marketing, the mailbox is becoming a little less congested, increasing your opportunities to be seen. If you try this out, make sure you have your website address on it! (Have you ever received a direct mail piece whose only purpose is to ask you to visit a website? Hmmmm.)

Which Techniques Work Best to Drive Traffic to Your Website?

Getting customers and potential customers to your business website takes a combination of online and offline activities. Many of these only cost an investment of time and some creativity. Online strategies can be less costly than some traditional approaches (think email marketing vs. direct mail). But, the cost isn't the only consideration, you also need to measure the results. A low-cost option that gets no results can be more expensive than a high-cost option that pays for itself with a surplus. Each business may get different results with the various tools. But, don't fall into the trap of thinking that traditional ways of promoting your business are obsolete -- just because you have a website!

Have you had good success driving traffic to your website some other way? Add to the discussion below!

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