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Four Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Website

Four Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Website

You invest in a website for your business. You spend hours, days and weeks crafting your message, selecting just the right images. You are careful to include the right keywords and phrases that customers will use to search for your product or service.

And, finally, your launch day arrives! Now, you can just sit back and wait for all the business to come pouring in!

Right? Well, not really.

Upcoming Event: Storytelling to Engage Your Audience

Click to view 2016 November Women TIES Event Flyer

On Tuesday, November 1, I am happy to be speaking at the Women TIES Mohawk Valley luncheon on the topic of storytelling in your business.

I will be discussing why storytelling is important for your business or organization. We will explore some of the science behind how our brains process stories, which ingredients are important for an effective story, and provide some examples that will bring the concepts to life.

Once your stories are ready, learn how to effectively share them.

Special thanks to the sponsors, Deb Coman and the New York Women's Business Center.

The luncheon is taking place at the Time for me Day Spa on Route 5 in Clinton, NY

Click the image to open the event flyer to learn more about the program and sponsors.

Register by October 31

Hope to see you there!

Do you own a domain? Watch out for this scam!

ScamEmailMessageSample Scam Email from China

We recently received this email from China.  As with all good scams, at first it looked legitimate.  It didn't contain any of the "telltale" signs of a scam: poor punctuation, misspellings, a legitimate looking logo or link that when you hover over it, displays a totally different url.

Hmmm.  Is this legit?

Well, it still seemed a little research was in order.  After all, why is a business in China landing on the same made-up name as our business?

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Contact eKamriaeKamria
317 Clover Ridge Drive
Syracuse, New York 13206
phone: (315) 278-3728


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